Restaurant Culture has always intrigued me because theres so many problems solve. My team and I focused on the lack of communication between purveyors and chefs.
Project Scope
How Might We?
As a team we researched when and how miscommunication happens by interviewing Chefs, Restaurant Managers, Farmers, Salesmen and Investors
We derived from our interviews that miscommunication stems from archaic ordering systems, lack of accountability and items being sold out without either side knowing
We also discovered that a lot of small farms didn't have a platform to display their goods and reach potential clientele
Develop an iOS app that updates purveyor's inventory in realtime, sends confirmation notifications for both parties and spotlight's up and coming purveyors
Chefs using this app will cut down on time needed to order their goods, reduce their margin of error, view special offerings from purveyors and compare pricing
Next Steps
Partnership with Breadcrumb: Potential for vertical integration, Integrated inventory tracking, Low barrier for adoption
Application Development: Map/GPS integration, Text Message Notifications
Take Away
Passion projects are mountains. Understanding whats viable and realistic is an eye opener. Knowing how to narrow your scope is a humbling skill to master.
#Designproverb #32 "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." - Alvin Toffler #futurism #ux #UserExperience #design #userexperiencedesign

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